Info om SPORE

Will Wright, skaparen bakom The Sims, släpper lös sin fantasi och ger oss SPORETM, en storslagen resa som tar dig med från livets ursprung och utveckling, ända fram till bildandet av civilisationer och teknologi, och slutligen resor ut i yttre rymden.
  • Vattenpölsfasen

    Kämpa mot andra varelser och sluka dem för att ändra din skapelses form och färdigheter. Det är de starkas överlevnad på mikroskopisk nivå.

  • Varelsefasen

    Ge dig upp på land och hjälp din varelse att lära sig och utvecklas genom plundringståg från ditt eget bo. Du kan bara växa om du tar risker!

  • Stamfasen

    Istället för att kontrollera en ensam varelse sköter du nu om en hel stam. Ge dem verktyg och styr deras handlingar medan du uppgraderar deras existensnivå.

  • Civilisationsfasen

    När du har grundat din stad börjar dina varelser söka upp och interagera med andra kulturer. Skapa kontakt genom att sträcka ut en olivkvist eller utstöta ett stridsvrål. Målet är att dina varelser ska erövra planeten.

  • Rymdfasen

    Det är dags att gå vidare till de andra planeterna i ditt solsystem. Ta kontakt, kolonisera eller gör om terrängen, sen riktar du blickarna mot andra solsystem. En 'uppdragsbaserad' struktur ger dig nya mål i jakten på galaktiskt herravälde.


Lycklig snubbe

HAPPY FACES! Ny outfit i kommande Kök & Badrum.

Designer walkthrough

Den här filmen är faktiskt riktigt bra! Den går genom hela spelet, med ett bra ljud och bra information. SE DEN!
(men obs den är på engelska och utan subtitles)

Kithen & Bath movie

Vad tycker ni om den?

Låtlista i The Sims 2 Fritid

Här är de nya låtarna som kommer me:

Performed by Datarock
Written by Fredrik Saroea and Ketil Mosnes
Published by Artwerk Music, LLC
Recording courtesy of Nettwerk Productions

"It's A Party"
Performed by Fire Flies
Written by Dan Romer
Published by Drawing Number One Publishing
Recording courtesy of Asteroid B-612

"Into The Sun"
Performed by Great Northern
Written by Rachel Stolte and Solon Bixler
Published by Songs Music Publishing LLC obo Ram Island Songs (ASCAP) and Kill The Piano Music (ASCAP)
Recording courtesy of Eenie Meenie Records by arrangement with Big Sounds International, Inc.

Performed by I'm From Barcelona
Written by Emanuel Lundgren
Published by EMI Blackwood Music (BMI)
Recording courtesy of EMI Records under license from EMI Film & Television Licensing

"La Otra Princesa"
Performed by Lara
Written by Massimiliano Minoia and Lara Pinilla Osuna
Published by Lara What Songs Pop S.L. and Globomedia Musica Publishing S.L.
Recording courtesy of Virgin/EMI Records - Spain and GloboMedia Musica

"Your Forgiveness"
Performed by Lexington Bridge
Written by Cliff Masterson, Mark Read, Pete Martin and Robert Heart
Published by Universal Music Publishing
Recording courtesy of Universal Records under license from Universal Music Enterprises

"Pocket Full Of Sunshine"
Performed by Natasha Bedingfield
Written by Natasha Bedingfield and Danielle Brisebois and John Shanks
Published by EMI April Music (ASCAP), Gator Baby/EMI Blackwood Music (BMI) and John Shanks Music/WB Music Corp. (ASCAP)
Recording courtesy of Epic Records by arrangement with SONY BMG Music Entertainment

"Take Out The Trash"
Performed by They Might Be Giants
Written by They Might Be Giants
Published by TMBG Music (BMI)

I'm from Barcelona är ju från SVERIGE! OH!:D

Natasha Bedingfield

En myyycket kort intervju har släppts med henne. It's in english!

TYP! Det är så kul att hon har samma frisyr i simsvideon som i verkligheten.


Screenshots från Prylpaket

Flashiga köksprylar från Nya The Sims 2 Kök & Badrum prylpaket / Kitchen and Bath interior design. Jag tycker själv att möblerna är real fresh, och snygga. Varje möbel finns i ca 3 färger, svart vitt och orange.

Vad tycker ni? Kommentera :) fansite regler

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Ladda ner vårt fansite-kit eller skapa ditt eget material och bygg upp en sida som du själv vill ha den. Tänk bara på följande om du vill att vi ska länka till din fansite sen:

  • Den måste handla om The Sims

  • Den får inte innehålla någon personlig information som kan identifiera dig, såsom bild, e-postadress eller annan kontaktinformation

  • Den får inte innehålla forum eller chatt

  • Den får inte innehålla något som bryter mot EA's användarvillkor, exempelvis uppmaning till piratkopiering eller publicering av material som skapats av andra personer utan deras tillåtelse

  • Sidan får inte vara uppbyggd så att man är tvungen att registrera sig för att komma åt vissa delar av den

  • Sidan får inte innehålla material som skapats av andra personer utan deras tillåtelse

  • Länken till din fansite kan tas bort från utan att vi informerar dig om det

  • Vad tycker ni om deras regler? Jag funderar på att försöka anmäla mig, men då måste jag vidta vissa åtgärder- och det vill jag inte!.....


    Åh vad man längtar efter att få dreja lite!

    Tips på dagböcker

    Som många av er läsare säkert är, medlemmar på så borde man ha lite koll på vad en dagbok är.
    Det är en typ av berättelse så att säga, oftast gjord med bilder från sims. Det kan vara en kort novell, en lång roman på flera inlägg, dokusåpa eller legacy. Jag tipsar er på mina favoriter!
    • Bakom det perfekta leendet. Den här dagboken handlar om den 14-åriga tonåringen Stephanie, men till en början är hon bara 13 år. Hon lever i ett litet samhälle som heter Stenkransen. Hon går i en skola där alla är glada och ledningen har lyckats riktigt bra med att få bort mobbingen från skolan. Hon har många kompisar och pluggar för fullt. Stephanie har redan planer för framtiden. Sen plötsligt händer det som inte får hända. Stephanies familj ska flytta till en stad långt, långt bort. Där kommer allt att förändras, och där räcker det inte att vara vanlig om man ska vara populär...
    • Hur du använder boolprop och andra fusk. I Denna dagboken visas fusk och vad man kan andvända dem till. Glöm bara inte att inte fuska för mycket, det blir tråkigt då... Men en riktigt bra dagbok jag har lärt mig massor av!
    •  Att vara någon annan och Millas hämd. En riktigt cool och bra dagbok, om inte den bästa på hela communtyn. Den handlar om mobbade Zarah och populära Milla som på något konstigt vis råkar byta kroppar med varandra...


    Rihanna- Umbrella

    This is seriously the best Ts2 Music Video that I've ever watched. It's so cool, with effects and stuffs that makes it all so much alike the real one. Watch it or I'll kill you! :)


    Toto is my favourite band, so when I found this one on youtube I thought It was ment to be to post it :) Though Africa isn't my fave song, but the musicvideo is actually well done!

    Metallic Dress

    Dagens gåva är en underbar klänning i metallic från Doursim. Den är i silver och skimrar hela natten lång.
    Todays gift is a beautiful dress from Doursim. It's metallic and will shine all night long.

    This dress is also seen on Hilary Duff. Makeup by Lapink.

    Official Trailer

    My categories- general info

    Hi all sim-nerds!:)
    I've just got home, and I'm sooo tired. Of course, the first thing I start to think about is "Hmm, it would be nice with some sims-playing". :P Call me nerd? But I haven't played for weeks and it annoyes me a bit. Guess I'll have to wait til freetime lays here on the table. 
    Anyway, I know that there's a lot of new readers on the blog so I was thinking about some general information about my categories would be great(you've probably already checked them out) but I'm writing it anyhow;

    ♥Cheats. Including cheats(big surprise) to how to take care of your plant, etc.

    Reviws. Wanna buy a new sims-expansion? You can read all my reviews and info about the expansions and stuff-packs that I've bought.

    The Sims 2. A general category where I dump all shit. KIDDING! Well, you can find all the news and info from free time and my own fashionsims-reports + simsvideos.

    Help me download. For sims-beginners.

    At my house. What have Liselotte been doing all day? Find info about her and her life, how she play Ts2 and a lot of other fluffy stuffs.

    News. If something new happens in the sims-world you'll find it here. New expansions, forum-reputations or whatever. Make sure that you'll be the first to know! (A lot of free time can be found here)

    Downloadis. Catchy name huh? You can find maaany download-links and homepages with the best sims2 clothes or houses or Whatever. Downloading makes your sim-playing so much fun!

    Freetime (again)

    -Every neighbourhood has 10 secret lot's, and maybe if your sim is very hyped on their hobby they will get a membership-card.

    -You can watch movies on your tellie :)

    -The old music from The Sims 1 is included in the game.

    -The secret lot of Dance is called "My muse". You can warm up at the balletsaloon, read books, dance to the dj and have contests. If you get hungry you can also make hotdogs and hamburgers (or whatever your cookingskill are). I did not think this lot was so special.

    -The Secret lot of Art & Crafts is called "My Muse II", and that one is a better place. You can sew on machines, and yeah, sort of all the things that is related to the hobby. It's a nice place!

    -Reputations say that there's a new sub-neighbourhood. FALSE ALARM. There's not a new neighbourhood, the secret lot that demands membership is hidden in the quarter.

    -You can design clothes when you have a gold badge. You can choos colour and fabric on each part of the outfit, so that it makes it more unique.

    -Violin and a cool synthesizer(?) are the new music instruments. Violin plays classical music, and the synth is kinda electric and funky. It's so cool!

    -See the movie about freetime on Bim is talking about the new game (and she's american so you will probably understand!)

    -If you're intrested in nature and science, collecting bugs, insects, ants and butterflies will probably fit you! You click on yourself where it says collect insects or something, so you don't need any "accessories". The place where you collect them is very alike the holiday-memories-box. Scroll down to look at the picture!


    This is me

    Hey again.
    I've just got home, and I'm feeling sort of stressed about this blog- I've no time these days. Tomorrow, I have an english test and I've been away from home all day. SO, I wrote a few post in the school library. :D

    EA gave us the news about a new stuffpack, Kitchen and Bath. It's on time they finally understood the need of new stuffs in the home that you use every day. What do you think?

    Thank you all again, for reading. I'm updating as much as I can, so for now, you get a picture of- sort of me right now! I'm not that blond and girlish, but... I like it!


    Good night everyone!

    Movie about Freetime. has now released their movie about the event monday 21/2, and I'm interviewed twice. Wow. So, check it out :)

    I'm showing my presents from ^^

    MORE about Freetime!


    I've received an email yesterday from the Swedish Sims-community, and it told me that I'm getting Freetime on the release in my mail! Wohoo :D

    This is more information about Freetime, hope you enjoy it. Click on "kommentera" to comment the post!

    • You can enter competitions with your hobby, and make money if you win. I know that there's a food and dance comp so far. There are always four Sims who compete about the price money, that is between 50-100$.

    • If you work as a seamstress, and have the silver medal, you can earn big money. You make an outfit in 15 sec, it cost about 12$ and you sell it for 40$. I earned 1600$ in one evening, when I played the game,

    • There are five new careers

    • Geenie is already mentioned, but for your information. He is purple, and he gives the master 3 wishes.

    • When you've reached maximum level in your hobby-o-meter, you're in "the zone" wich makes you very focussed everytime you do something that is related to your hobby. The zone makes you glow in a platinum light.

    • Life rewards. You have 4 life rewards to divide between four categories. One for normal needs, like slow down your hunger etc. One for things that is related to your aspiration, if you have family you can appeal to the social worker.  One for work/travels, and the last one is that you can choose a second aspiration.

    • Grilled Cheese is an official aspiration now, that you can choose from the life reward-stuff. It's actually all about eating toasts, and eat much without getting fat.

    • Every family gets a computer from a mysterious sim. The computer is very good looking, and expensive. Yay.

    • On the computer, you can play games as SSX3 but also The Sims 3! So it's finally true and official that maxis and ea have plans for a follow-up.

    I have more information, and I'll probably be updating tonight. Have a good day! :D

    New quotes:

    • BFE-
      Best friends forever. If you get to this stadium with a friend, the sim and she/he will be best friends forever. (logical huh?) :D
    • When your sim is aging, you can on your birthday choose 3 of your friends to grow up with you. That was a smart thing of EA to do, because I think that it's really needed.
    • Furniture for the toddlers! Yeay, it's true. Finally, the toddlers and babies gets new cradles, potties, and loads of other stuffs. (There are new beds also in the same "atmosphere".)
    • New modern kitchen. It's upgrading here too, and this time it's for the kitchen. New refrigerator in a cool white metallic shade, stove and sort of all the "tools" you use there.


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